
Spring Brook Cemetery is a private, non-profit corporation. At present we have four ways to acquire income. One is the sale of lots, the second is the fees we charge for burial services, the third are grants through the Town of Mansfield Non-Profit Fund Committee and the fourth way is to accumulate interest from a small endowment we have. During our low income times, we have to withdraw money from this endowment in order to cover monthly expenses, which in turn decreases the principal.

The Town of Mansfield Non-Profit Fund Committee has been a God-send. The Card Memorial Chapel, which is located next to the south entrance of the Cemetery off of Spring Street, is, along with the Cemetery, on the National Register of Historic Places. For that reason we are trying to keep the Chapel in good shape as well as trying to find a use for it.

Over the last three years we have been able to get grants from the Non-Profit Fund Committee to repair and upgrade the Chapel. The money has been used to tighten the slate roof and replace broken slates, re-point the brick work and seal the granites steps, repair the shed entry to the Chapel basement, add two more twin light sconces to the interior of the Chapel, paint the interior and sand and refinish the floors.

This year we are planning to replace the cellar windows, remove two diseased trees from the Cemetery grounds and start a program to repair broken headstones and upright fallen ones.

You can see on our NEWS tab under Future Projects, that we have several in mind. The biggest ones being the chain link fence replacement and starting a roadway upgrade project.

If you are a company or foundation or person who wants to grant or donate a sum of money toward maintaining a historical Cemetery, please contact us.